Sexual Health Screening
Testing for a full range of STI’s ( sexually transmitted infections, including Chlamydia, Hepatitis, HIV) is available here at Balbriggan Medical Centre.
- Confidential discreet service
- Screening may include blood tests, swabs and / or urine
- Full cost of screen is €50 – €80 per person ( GMS and Private patients ) depending on tests carried out.
- For an appointment contact one of our practice nurses direct by ringing
087 4581 427 Monday to Friday 12 noon – 1 pm
Alternatively, STI screening is free of charge and confidential at any of the following locations.
Please contact these services directly.
Dublin Aids Alliance:
Gay Men’s Health Services ( GMHS)
Mater Hospital, Department of Infectious diseases, Phone 01 803 2063
Beaumont Hospital, Department of Infections Diseases, Phone 01 809 3006
GUIDE Clinic, St. James Hospital,
Louth County Hospital, Dundalk, Phone 086 824 1847
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, Phone 086 824 1847